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Brands with Membership in the Boutique Cigar Association
Brands with Membership in the Boutique Cigar Association
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Garo Cigars started in 1995 during the "cigar-boom," but unlike most boutique brands that reaped the benefits of the boom and disappeared, Garo Cigars is still here.
After 28 years of cigar blending and manufacturing, we are redefining ourselves and the cigars we produce. Our factory in the Dominican Republic is dedicated to producing the best boutique brands on the market.
Every aspect of production is carefully managed and overseen by senior production specialists, from tobacco selection to rollers used and final packaging for shipment. Garo Cigars embodies an obsessive care for detail to truly fulfill the promise of delivering the finest, most consistent cigars in the marketplace.
Remember to always savor every moment.
DAV Cigars emerged when two friends followed their passion for cigars while venturing in the Dominican Republic and decided to join forces with a third-generation cigar manufacturer's family.
Since then, DAV cigars became globally popular due to their exceptional premium blend, paired with the knowledge, expertise, strive for excellence and the vision of its creators.
Decades of experience, combined with true love and deep understanding of cigars result in the highest level of standard of each DAV hand-rolled cigar.
Every cigar is created consistent with the techniques passed on from one generation to the next. When each cigar is expertly wrapped in a rich, lustrous natural wrapper, the cigar experience gets kicked up a notch. The superior quality of DAV cigars is ascertained by the highest quality of raw material from proper sources. Consequently, the wrapping, flavor, smoke, burn, and draw always result in absolute perfection.
is a family owned business that was founded in the United States in 2013 by Dr. Gaby Kafie, a retired physician whom has now dedicated his life towards creating the finest experiences when it comes to hand made premium cigars and whole bean roasted coffee.
We do this through our portfolio of brands… Kafie 1901 Cigars®, Liga de la Casa by Kafie 1901®, Naked Cigars by Kafie 1901®, and Kafie 1901 Coffee® all of which are registered trademarks in the United States.
For generations our family has always sought after the finest lands, the finest people, the finest processes, and the finest raw materials in developing products that are appealing to connoisseurs. This philosophy in pursuit of the highest quality continues nearly 121 years later. Our family is dedicated to creating highly memorable experiences for cigar and coffee connoisseurs around the world.
manufactured at Tabacalera GTO Dominicana located in the Caribbean island of Dominican Republic. The Dominican has become the ultimate paradise for cigar aficionados. Since the the Spanish arrived in 1492, tobacco has been a driving our history and culture. The Taino, the first inhabitants of the island, were using tobacco on the island in their social, religious and ceremonial activities centuries before the Europeans arrived. Today, Dominican cigars are exported to the United States and compete on the same level as Cuban cigars in the European market. The epi-center for the manufacturing of premium cigars in the Dominican Republic is located in the Valle del Cibao (see information below).
Our cigars are made from the finest, aged first-generation Cuban seed tobacco and each GTO Cigar is meticulously crafted by some of the most experienced torcedors (rollers) in the Dominican Republic. Our family farm, located in Santiago, in the heart of the Valle del Cibao. The Valle del Cibao is nestled between two mountain ranges to the north and south, which provide protection to the tobacco crops from Caribbean hurricanes and storms. The Dominican Republic's most fertile and deepest topsoil is located here. This is not only the prime tobacco growing region of the Dominican Republic but, unquestionably, one of the finest tobacco growing regions in the world. According to Cigar Aficionado Magazine - the "Valle del Cibao is to the Dominican Republic what the Vuelta Abajo is to Cuba." Many of the finest cigar manufacturers in the world are located in this region, as our we.
As far back as the mid-1800s, records exist describing the pre-meeting tradition of Brethren smoking cigars during and after gatherings. To this day, the practice of smoking cigars remains very much alive in many lodges. This custom is considered a time for Brethren to relax, exchange ideas, and enjoy the simplicity and fellowship that is the very essence of Brotherhood.
This is what Hiram & Solomon Cigars is all about. Our starting principles are to bring Mason brothers together in the harmony of a good cigar. Pull up a chair, sit back, light up any of our premium quality cigars, and enjoy the history.
As fellow Brethren WB Fouad Kashouty and Brother George Dakrat enjoyed cigars together, the discussion would eventually lead to the same realization: there was no accessible cigar on the market for Freemason smokers that carried the square and compass, nor any other Masonic Emblem. Upon coming to this conclusion, the topic of the conversation shifted into countless private meetings. The symposium consisted of talk concerning the possibility of creating not only a Masonic-themed cigar, but a quality cigar that would not just physically represent Freemasons all over the world but contain within it a quality that could match the caliber of excellence that the Brethren themselves contain. The dream of creating and proudly possessing such a cigar was never extinguished in WB Fouad Kashouty’s and Brother George Dakrat’s hearts.
The idea continuously reinvented itself over and over in their minds. As avid cigar smokers, each time they held a cigar in their hands, they’d imagine a cigar that would be made as a symbol of the Brotherhood, yet available for all. As the ambition continued to grow inside them, they researched and studied, searching for the right place to begin the creation of their shared dream, Masonic Cigars.
Each cigar is meticulously aged and handcrafted with the beauty and unrivaled flavor of the world’s best tobacco which can only be from the 4 regions of Nicaragua where Segovias de Esteli was born.
Founded in 2015, Segovias de Esteli follows Arturo Garcia Chevreuil, also known as Art Garcia, a Latin American entrepreneur whose persistence and natural salesmanship has created an enthusiasm within the ranks of cigar manufacturers. His cigars have become well known throughout Europe, Asia, Middle East, Mexico, Latin & South America, and his home town, the United States of America. Segovias de Esteli cigars are un-matched in flavor, taste and smoke.
In 2019 Segovias de Esteli won the Best in Show Small Exhibitor 2 booth award at the IPCPR now known as PCA. By the end of 2019, Segovias de Esteli also received an amazing award by being the top 12 cigar out of the top 25 cigars by Cigar Journal.
This is where they introduced the Segovias Habano Oscuro, and the Segovias Maduro. All of his blends combine all four regions of Nicaragua and all his tobacco is aged at least 4-5 years.
Please contact us directly with any questions, comments, or product inquiries about Caoba Cigars you may have.
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